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Transformational Executive Presence Training

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Team Audit

Gain unbiased insight during this professional 'listening session' with Dan Messinger, a 30+ year veteran in leadership development, executive presence, and conflict resolution.

“There are a few moments in my life (whether it’s getting married or having children) that have impacted me as much as the Executive Presence Course.”

Brandt K.

Executive Presence Training

Help your leaders transform their executive presence! We don’t just talk about executive presence, or teach a few tricks. Our executive presence workshop literally transforms each one of your leaders’ executive presence so that their credibility, productivity, and mindset are forever changed. Truly.


Watch our numerous testimonial videos of how we changed these leaders’ lives and professional trajectories.

What will change after Executive Presence Training?

We believe that leaders with executive presence embody four vital attributes. They are:

Presence. We all know that our thoughts affect our entire lives. Our thoughts directly affect our results. We teach 3 specific skills for leaders to become conscious of their unconscious thoughts about themselves, others, and situations, and then transform them into positive results.

Power. Not power over, but power within. Most people think that you’re either born with power, or you’re not. Through decades of experience, we have discovered how to help your leaders connect to their inner power and strength, no matter their personality, with 3 specific skills.

Authenticity. Executive Presence is not about putting on a crisp, fake business persona. We teach 3 specific skills that help participants honor their authentic leader within. Only when leaders are connected to their authentic selves, can others believe them, and trust them.

Connection. Leaders cannot be successful unless they know how to genuinely connect with others. This is crucial in order to create relationships and buy-in. We teach 3 specific skills for leaders to connect with anyone in a profound way.

After Executive Presence Training, senior leaders are astonished at the transformation of their leaders’ executive presence, and their ROI. See our Reviews for yourself.

“I have been to many, many trainings but absolutely nothing like this. Transformative. Such a deep, meaningful experience. Helped me gain deeper insight into my power.”

Heather Q.

How do we do it?

  • Our executive presence trainings are the most interactive trainings you will ever experience. And fun. For real.

  • Each participant gets a ton of personalized feedback through:

    • Video feedback​

    • ​A series of both individual, small group, and large group exercises in which personalized feedback is consistently given to each participant.

  • Clients consistently say that our trainings are the most team building experiences that they have ever been to. That is because we create a very safe environment for people to grow, be authentic, and to genuinely support each other in their growth.


The outcome? Check out our Reviews and hear what clients have to say.

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“It's empowering - every step. Seeing my transformation from the beginning to end showed me how much I could improve in such a short period.”

Arnold G

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