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  • danmessinger3

How to Transform Overwhelm by Changing Your Thoughts (How to Avoid Being Overloaded with Work)

Updated: Jun 17

Are You Feeling Overwhelmed at Work? The Good News is that You Actually Have Much More Control Over Your Experience than You Might Have Thought.

What causes feelings in the first place? Feelings of overwhelm, stress, sadness, joy - what causes feelings? We usually think that it's people or situations that cause our feelings. My boss made me upset. My partner made me nervous. Traffic made me really angry. But it wasn't the traffic or the boss or the partner that was causing your feelings.

What's really causing your feelings are your thoughts and beliefs about your boss, traffic and partner. Pretty much everything in the world and the universe is neutral. We put our own connotations onto everything.

Once We Become Aware of that Process, We Can Then Change How We Think and Believe About Things.

Here's an example. If I told you that you just won an all-paid vacation to Aspen to ski for a weekend, some of you might be completely psyched: “Right on! This is great. I love skiing!” And some of you would be completely nonplussed, even avoidant, or not wanting to do it. You might think: “It's cold, and I have to get all the way to Aspen. And my knees are really bad right now.” It's the same situation - just different thoughts and beliefs about the situation.

It's our thoughts and beliefs about events, about people that cause our feelings.

So if you're feeling overwhelmed at work, the first step is to identify the thoughts and beliefs that are causing the overwhelm. Maybe it's that you’re feeling worried about your boss doing or saying something. Maybe you're concerned about your numbers. Maybe you're just not feeling good about yourself in your current role. Whatever it may be, that's where to start.

Because once you understand and identify the thoughts that are causing the overwhelm, then you are free. Then you can do something about it.

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