So you were given a promotion or a new role. And at first, you're super excited. But after a while, once you dug into the role more, you realize that you're feeling kind of clueless. That you deserve the role, but you don't really know how to be in this role. It's a whole completely different world; completely different responsibilities. How do you do it?
Everyone goes through this. You have probably gone through this many times in your own life. We all go through that initial process of realizing what we don't know. But that's a good thing. It's a great thing to understand what we don't know, because then we can learn.
Executive coaching is a great opportunity to be fully yourself, with all your concerns and doubts and fears just laid on the table. With someone who's not going to judge you, with someone who's been around the block themselves many times, and someone who could give you some specific tools to help you with what you're dealing with.
Executive Coaching often starts when we're beginning new roles, and we realize there's a lot we don't know. But the wonderful thing about coaching is that it starts a transformation of how we view ourselves as leaders. It begins a whole different way in which we begin to see situations and act within those situations. Coaching transforms us from mediocre to amazing.
Because we can't always see ourselves. It's kind of like how we can't see the back of our heads. We can't see our backs. There's parts of ourselves we just can't see physically, but also psychologically, emotionally. We just don't see parts of ourselves. And that's where sometimes it's vital to have someone who can give you honest, authentic feedback. Because people on your team don't usually do that. Because we don't know how to do that on our teams. So you don't usually get it, and when you do get it, it's half-baked, or it's not effective, or it's not respectful. And we need honest, good feedback from people who understand, from people who know how to handle situations like you're in. It could feel lonely at times when you don't have someone that you could be honest with about your concerns.
Executive Coaching provides a ground. It provides a safe landing for you to be able to look at whatever is going on in your situation, and find solutions, find the paths, find the insight, change the trajectory, change the results.
Executive coaching doesn't just bring you to the whole next level of your career. It teaches you how to sustain that, how to thrive in that, and actually go to even the next level.
Great leaders become great because they have great coaches.
Schedule a complementary coaching consultation. Wondering if Executive Coaching is right for you?
Dan will listen to your unique needs and situation, and provide honest feedback. If you wish to continue exploring how to effectively manage similar situations, Dan will share details about the benefits, process, and expected outcomes of executive coaching.
This is your chance to gain insight from a 30+ year veteran in leadership development, executive presence, and conflict resolution.[]=64071267