Have You Ever Left a Job Because of Your Boss?
Most people have. Almost everyone has at some point. Because your boss holds so much power. But rarely are supervisors trained on how to be good leaders - how to hold that power so that they can actually use that power to support and grow their employees. Rarely are they trained to get the best out of their employees rather than make them feel suffocated, devalued, irritated or annoyed.
The good news is that leaders can be trained. There are simple, easy ways for leaders to be able to coach their employees, to be able to manage their employees, to be able to communicate with their employees, while still holding their power and authority - yet being kind, compassionate and caring.
You Don't Have to Have High Employee Turnover. Organizations that Train Their Leaders How to Be Human, with Executive Presence, Have Much Less Turnover than Other Organizations.
Train your leaders to be firm yet kind, honest yet compassionate, direct yet caring. Help them understand and realize that they need to grow their employees. Teach them how to listen, to be attuned to their employees, and how to inspire them.
Becoming a great leader isn't overly complicated. It's just working with our thoughts, our beliefs and our feelings, and attuning to others on our team.
Click here to understand how you can train your leaders to inspire, to grow, and to transform your organization.
Schedule a Complementary Team Audit https://TransformingExecutivePresence.as.me/
Gain unbiased insight during this professional 'listening session' with a 30 year veteran in leadership development, executive presence, and conflict resolution.