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  • danmessinger3

How to Avoid the Nightmare of Turnover (Transforming the Effects of Employee turnover)

Updated: Jun 17

Employee Turnover Does Not Need to Be a Nightmare

What is it that makes employee turnover hellish? It's that once the person is gone, you need to fill that position. If you don't have anybody from within ready to go, you either have to train someone from within, or you have to recruit someone from the outside and train them. Either way, the person needs to understand new responsibilities and new relationships within the organizations. It all takes time.

There's an easy way to avoid the nightmare-quality of turnover. And that's having a good bench already set up. It’s very, very simple - it's expecting to have turnover. Not necessarily negative turnover. But of course there's going to be turnover. You actually want turnover to get rid of the people that really don't belong, or are not performing the way that you need them to, or whose attitudes are not aligned with the corporate culture.

You also want turnover in the sense that you want your employees to keep growing out of their positions into higher positions. Like the entire team is slowly climbing up the mountain together, taking over each other's positions as they rise. Because as that happens, so do you. How are you supposed to get promoted yourself if there's no one there to take over your job?

If you are building that bench, if you are growing your employees’ responsibilities on a regular basis, on a consistent basis, month after month, year after year, your bench is already set. If you need to terminate somebody because of their performance or attitude, someone's right there to pick up the slack - for any reason an employee needs to leave. When you have people already trained up, you're set.

It's a Beautiful Thing to Promote

It's a wonderful thing to promote from within. There's such a sense of pride and joy within the employee, and also the people around them. That's what people live for. That's why people stay in organizations. That's what reduces turnover.

So, do you have your bench ready? If you don't, make a plan right now.

Schedule a Complementary Team Audit

Gain unbiased insight during this professional 'listening session' with a 30 year veteran in leadership development, executive presence, and conflict resolution.

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