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  • danmessinger3

You Can Be Successful Without Being Overwhelmed at Work

Updated: Jun 17

You Don't Have to Be Overwhelmed

to Be Successful

You may have the belief that being overwhelmed is just part and parcel of working or being successful. But you don't have to be overwhelmed to be successful.

In fact, when you're overwhelmed, it actually impedes your success. We can only be successful when we're present. When we're conscious. When we're making decisions from a clear mind.

When we're overwhelmed, we're in reactive mode. When we're in reactive mode, we are acting from unconscious patterns that are usually not our best selves.

Being a Good Leader Means Clearing Our Minds from Overwhelm, from Our Unconscious Patterns, and Making Clear, Strong Decisions.

Supposedly, there are two main parts of our brain. There's our frontal lobe, which makes rational decisions. And then there's the back of our brain, also called the reptilian part of our brain, which is dealing with our emotions, our fight-or-flight situations.

The amazing thing about the way we are built is that both the reptilian emotional brain, and the frontal lobe logic, rational part of our brain, cannot operate at the same time. But what that means is that to get into our frontal lobe, rational, clear-thinking, we need to address the reptilian emotional reactions when they arise. And when we're overwhelmed, that reptilian brain gets stronger and stronger and stronger.

It's our job as leaders to work with our reactions to work with our overwhelm. So that we can get back into that frontal lobe and make clear rational, good decisions for the people that we serve.

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